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Ask the Experts on 0800 669 6325 Mon - Fri 9am-5pm or Contact Us
Remove the last fading blooms from roses and cut back taller stems by half to prevent winter ‘wind rock’ from loosening the plants roots.
Petrol is changing to E10 this September in the UK. But what does that mean for your Mountfield lawnmower?
Many people still enjoy the effect of “stripes” on a lawn following a grass cut and all of my customers are no exception - Simon James.
‘National Read a Book Day’ falls on September 6th and offers us all the chance to take some time out, curl up and enjoy that book you have always wanted to read. Or possibly one that you have read so many times its spine is bent and the page corners are curled!
Organic, sustainable, free-range…phew all these terms can get confusing when you are doing the weekly food shop! You know they are positive labels on the food that you are buying, but what do they mean?