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Ask the Experts on 0800 669 6325 Mon - Fri 9am-5pm - Sat 10am-4pm or Contact Us
After a very wet July your lawn should be looking lush and green but also in need of a good mow!
With sunny weather forecast this month it should soon be dry enough to get the mower out and give your grass a good trim.
During August, you should continue to water your lawn. It is important to water your grass correctly however – a good soaking less often is much better than a light watering each day. You are aiming to develop a deep root system for a lush green lawn.
We recommend watering early in the morning or late in the evening as the sun sets. Temperatures tend to be cooler then and your lawn will absorb more water as a result.
It is important to keep those mower blades raised now. Mow your lawn to keep it at a height of around 3 inches – this will help the grass to retain moisture. Its also more difficult for weeds to grow when the grass is taller.
Consider applying a slow-release fertilizer to keep your lawn healthy and help it cope with the summer heat.
As the summer heat returns this month, your lawn may start to show signs of stress. Here are a few additional tips to keep your lawn looking lush and green:
And most importantly get outside and enjoy your garden. After a very wet July we are excited to welcome summer back and make the most of our gardens this month.